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The Inner Journey of Transformation audio self-hypnosis program is designed to help you find your way out of a dark period in your life, through a dark night of the soul; the ending of relationship, a serious illness, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job or livelihood, and any other type of loss or traumatic change.

This program is also designed to help anyone on a spiritual, transformational journey.

With quiet background music and Kaleah’s soft soothing voice you are led into a state of deep relaxation where your subconscious mind is guided through the journey of healing and transformation. You will address the topics of inner child healing, the critical parent, soul retrieval, cord cutting, and the death and rebirth cycle. You will be taken on the journey of the caterpillar into the cocoon and through its metamorphosis into the butterfly, where it flies free of all former obstacles.

Although you will consciously hear the words being spoken the intent of this program is to work with the deeper aspects of the self, the unconscious or deep subconscious to solicit its cooperation in helping you to heal and see the purpose in the period of transition you are currently experiencing in your life.

The program is designed to lift you out of your current perspective and help you to see where you are from a higher perspective, the perspective of the butterfly who sees all rather than the caterpillar with its limited vision.

After listening to this program a couple times you should begin to experience a higher state of well-being, purpose, hope and inspiration about your future and where you are headed. You will begin to let go of your attachment to the past and embrace what lies ahead. You will experience greater self confidence and feelings of worthiness. You will experience greater self-love and respect.

  • Greater Self Confidence and Well-being
  • Stronger Feelings of Worthiness
  • Self love and Self Respect
  • Calm, Peace and Serenity
  • Inner Child Healing
  • Energy Chord Cutting
  • Soul Retrieval
  • Personal Metamorphosis



I really found this hypnosis therapy download to be extraordinary; I will be using it upon waking in the a.m. and before going to sleep at night every chance I get because I noted it created positive changes within my thought is helping me to have a better outlook ;I just want to continue using it as much as possible;it is certainly having a healthy affect on my well being and I just want to say thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. God bless you, melinda

Inner Journey of Transformation


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